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Monday, July 09, 2007

"What’s your perspective?"

The hot summer day has cooled off a bit as the sun sets so you’re walking in your neighborhood. Just a leisurely stroll to stretch your legs.

A growling, barking dog comes running at you, snarling, hair standing up on his back, acting like he hasn’t been fed today and your leg is dinner. You instinctively start running, faster than you thought you could. You’ve got to get away from this "bad dog." And you notice that the dog’s barking is growing fainter so you turn around and see that the dog isn’t chasing you. Still growling, barking, and snarling, but not chasing.

So you turn around and head back toward the dog a few steps. You notice that his hind leg is chained and evidently has been for a while because it’s cut into his leg which is bleeding. His ribs stick out, like he hasn’t been fed in a while. Suddenly the "bad dog" becomes "an abused dog."

Perspective makes all the difference in the world, doesn’t it? Ask God to help you understand another’s point of view before you judge, criticize, or accuse as you listen to life and make a life, not just a living today.


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