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Sunday, July 08, 2007

"How are you? No, really…how are you?"

What’s your standard greeting when seeing someone for the first time in a while? Do you say, "How are you?" or "How’s it going?" or something like that?

What’s your standard response when someone asks you, "How are you?" or "How’s it going?" or something like that? Do you typically say, "Fine" or "Pretty good" or some other response that you don’t really think about but just say?

I’ve discovered something listening to life—Most people don’t really mean it when they ask, "How are you?" For most of us, it’s simply a greeting, not an interested inquiry. And just as many of us respond "Fine" or "Pretty good" out of habit as well.

So I’ve started asking people, "How are you?" and looking them in the eyes. If they still just respond, "Fine," I say, "No, really, how are you? I want to know." Most folks look at me with amazement that someone actually cares.

Try it for yourself. Listen to how you greet people and how they respond. Then let them know you’re seriously interested in them. The same way God is really interested in how you’re doing today.


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