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Monday, February 26, 2007

"What's important to you?"

You heard all about the devastating tornadoes in Florida earlier this month. The storms struck in the middle of the night, killing persons and destroying homes and even churches.

Or, did it destroy homes and churches? Actually, the destructive force of these storms leveled houses and buildings. As one minister told Lester Holt of the Today Show, "Lester, the church isn’t a building. The church is the people of God. We’ll have church here this Sunday," he said, "because we’ll meet God here."

Homes and churches and companies and schools are at their heart and soul about relationships. They’re about people who are family together, who worship and serve God together, who work toward a common goal together, and who learn together. These communities of people, purpose, passion, and personal growth form because of relationships put together by God. The rest is just stuff. And relationships are what’s most important as you listen to life today and make a life, not just a living.


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