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Sunday, February 25, 2007

"Got love?"

I opened my email that morning as soon as I arrived in my office, just like I do each morning. I removed the spam—yes, I get it, too—and looked down through the list. I recognized our younger daughter’s email address on one of them so I scrolled down and opened hers first.

The message announced that I had an e-greeting card to open. So I clicked on the link and opened it. There was the cutest picture of a yellow Lab puppy like the ones we raise and a kitten, their noses touching. And someone had drawn in some hearts between them. The caption read, "Puppy Love."

And our daughter wrote in, "Daddy, I know it’s not Valentine’s yet, but I couldn’t resist sending this to you. Love and kisses," and her name.

I wrote her back and said, "Thank you, sweetheart! It’s never too early to send love. Love and kisses, Daddy."
And it isn’t. Nor is it ever too late. Yea, I know Valentine’s is past for this year, but send someone love today. God gives it to you 365 days a year, so share it real often as you listen to life and make a life, not just a living.


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