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Thursday, April 06, 2006

"Have you hugged your washer and dryer lately?"

It was just a few generations ago that washing and drying clothes was a lot different than today. You built a fire in the backyard to heat a kettle of rainwater you had caught off the roof into a barrel. You placed the kettle so that the smoke wouldn’t blow in your eyes. You waited until the fire blazed hot enough to boil the water. You shaved soap you had made into the water. While the soap melted in the kettle, you scrubbed the dirtiest spots on your clothes on a board, using a rock or a stiff brush. Then you dropped them into the kettle to boil for a while.

After they boiled, you took a broom handle, reached into the kettle, and took the now clean clothes out and put them into another kettle of water to rinse. If you wanted the clothes starched, they went into a third kettle. Then you took them out, rung the water out, and hung them on the clothesline to dry.

Makes you want to hug your washer and dryer, doesn’t it?

Find something, anything to be grateful for today. You really don’t have to look very far. Just listen to life and make a life, not just a living today.


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