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Monday, March 27, 2006

"What goes around really does come around, doesn’t it?"

Penny Brown was at a Little League baseball game. All of a sudden, 10 year old Kevin Stephan was hit in the chest with a bat. He collapsed and wasn’t responding. Someone called Penny, an ICU nurse, over for help. She administered CPR. Kevin lived and played baseball again.

Well, fast forward seven years later. Penny Brown, ICU nurse, is in a restaurant, enjoying a meal with family members. All of a sudden, she begins choking and can’t breathe. Her husband attempts to perform the Heimlich maneuver on her with no success. So the waitress goes to the back of the restaurant and calls out a teenaged employee who’s a volunteer firefighter. He comes out, does the Heimlich maneuver, and dislodges the food from her airway, saving her life.

The firefighter’s name was Kevin Stephan. That’s right, this now-17-year-old young man was the 10 year-old Little Leaguer whose life Penny had saved.

Listen to your life today for a chance to help someone else. The life you save may be your own.


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