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Wednesday, March 01, 2006

"Did you know that there’s a part of you that never ages?"

I recently met a college friend for lunch. We had not seen each other in twenty years.

When we first sat down, I looked at him and said, “Okay, I’ll lie to you if you lie to me—you haven’t changed a bit” and we both had a big laugh. The fact is we had both changed—a lot more gray hair and a lot less hair, a few more wrinkles and a few more pounds.

But you know, as we sat there eating and catching up, his laugh hadn’t changed one bit. He still had that same laugh that I remembered, and his eyes still sparkled when he laughed.

You know, our bodies age—our hair turns gray or loose, our faces wrinkle up, and we weigh a little more. But our spirits don’t—our laughter, our sparkling eyes, those parts of us that are who we really are.

So when you look in a mirror today, don’t look at your hair and wrinkles and flab. Look yourself in the eye and laugh. And when you do, know that you’re looking into your soul, the part of you that never ages.


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