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Monday, January 14, 2008

"Is there still goodness in the world?"

Do you ever wonder if there’s any goodness left in the world? I mean, if you listen to, read, or watch the news daily, you might start to wonder, "Is there anything good happening in the world today?"

Last month, I heard, read and watched a story that reminded me, "Yes, there’s still goodness in the world." A woman pulled up to the drive-through window of a Starbucks coffee shop. She picked up her order, paid for it, and paid for the coffee of the person in line behind her.

Well, you can imagine the surprised look on that person’s face on learning that their coffee was paid for. Surprise quickly transformed into gratitude as that person paid for the coffee order of the person in line next.
And once again surprise morphed into a grateful act as that person paid for the coffee order of the next person in line. These grateful acts continued for at least the next 100 persons, at least that’s when the Starbucks employees stopped counting.

So yes, there is still goodness in the world, thank God! Will you kick off the next display of goodness today? Go ahead and get it started as you make a life.


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