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Wednesday, July 19, 2006

"What are you worried about?"

A man was worried that he’d be forced into early retirement by corporate down-sizing. So he was relieved when the company kept him on. That worry was taken care of.

But then the position they moved him into was very stressful with lots of travel involved and other complicated, corporate challenges. So then he moved from being grateful he had a job to worrying about the stress of this job and what it was doing to him.

His stress became so great that he decided to take early retirement just to get out from under the pressure. His company was very generous with him. That worry was taken care of. But now that he’s facing his impending early retirement, he’s worried because he doesn’t have a job.

Does life ever seem to be a bouncing ball of worry for you like it is for this man? Life changes so quickly and unpredictably, you can worry yourself to death as the changes appear.

Today, do the best you can in the midst of all your changes and let God take care of the rest.


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