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Tuesday, January 24, 2006

"How's your world?"

Our younger daughter is in middle school, but takes a high school-level course in French. She really enjoys learning a new language and loves her teacher.

Last month, the students in the French class drew names to exchange presents. Our daughter chose to make a bracelet for the girl whose name she selected. She put it in a box, wrapped up very nicely.

I noticed a second box and asked, “What’s that for?”

“I’m writing compliments and things I like about her in French on little slips of paper,” she said. “That’s her second present. We’re all doing it for each other.”

Can you imagine what a wonderful world this will be as we follow this class’ example? What an absolutely marvelous place this becomes to live as we give each other not just something material, but so much more than that—compliments, encouragements, positive affirmation.

Find someone to compliment, encourage, and affirm today and watch your world transform for the better as you listen to life and make a life, not just a living.


At 9:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My daughter also took french in school. She went on to college and earned a degree in French and International Business. I can honestly say that her french classes taught her more than just a second language. She had wonderful teachers which carried over into her college experience. One of her college professors even attended her wedding this past November. Yes, it would be nice if everyone took the time to find the good in each other. Hope your daughter continues her french. Mine attended school for a semester in France, was a "nanny" for a doctor who was married to a french woman (they wanted their children to have a caretaker that could speak french as well as english) and has used her french in her job. She would be the first to say that because of her "french experiences" she has many wonderful memories.


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