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Sunday, January 15, 2006

"What does your work seem like?"

I was talking with our daughter recently who’s in her first year of college. She was telling me all about everything—her new friends, the school’s traditions, her role in the play—except her classes. So since I’m her Daddy and it’s my job to ask, I said, “Well tell me how your school work is going?”

And she said, “Daddy, the thing is, I’m enjoying my classes so much and love what I’m doing in them, that they don’t seem like work!”

You’ve got to love that attitude! When you love what you’re doing, it doesn’t seem like work! She reminds me of that saying: “Do you what love and love what you do and you’ll never work another day in your life.”

Now contrast her attitude with that of the average American worker. Every survey I’ve ever read finds that well over half of all American workers are dissatisfied with their jobs, i.e., they’re not doing what they love.

Life is way too short to be miserable about your work. Discover what God created you to do—the work you’ll love—by listening to your life and making a life, not just a living.


At 8:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is so true. I remember in a job I used to have, I could not wait for the day to end. I was bored and unfulfilled with my work because I was not using the gifts that God had given me to serve people. A volunteer worked in our office who loved working with us, and she also loved her full-time job. She said she loved her job so much that she had to set an alarm clock 15 minutes before the end of her shift to remind her that it was time to go home! In my new job, I find that I'm often doing "just one more thing" before calling it a day, because the work is so fulfilling to me.

At 8:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This story has very much inspired me. I am having a difficult time at work and would like so much to discover what God wants me to do. I definitely know it is not where I am now. I would like so much to have a job that I enjoy and come home in at least a decent mood for my family. It is not fair to them or me. This story helps me realize that I am making the right decision to eventually leave my current job and that money is not everything.


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